Monday, February 19, 2007

Playing again

I'm really looking forward to playing in a band again. The part I like best is improvising a lead for a song. I like finding new melodies in there and bringing them out. That is what comes naturally to me.

The thing I find hard is reading notes off the staff. I'm sure some people are exactly the opposite of me and can read but not improvise.

Learning the technical aspects of music help me to come up with more interesting improvisations. The more I practice my Universal-Prescot, the better I flow with anything I'm trying to do. I'm sure my proficiency will increase more, as I find ways to make practice more fun.

The idea for finding a way to use midi to play a computer game came to me years ago. The concept for what that game will be came to me in meditation only this year. Now that I have an idea of where I can go with this, I am actively working on it.


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